HAPPY HOUR with MOZART – Sunday, July 21st at 3pm
in the Beach Club Conservatory – FREE!
Note the NEW 3:00 PM start time.
Please feel free to join Keith and Dave for this impromptu concert. We haven’t fully set the program, but our feature work will be the Grande Sonata Op 83 by Ferdinand Ries, whose delightful compositions reflect his study of Mozart and his work with Beethoven. He was a prolific composer and is now finally receiving recognition world wide.
We will also play a lovely Beethoven sonata (Op 23), and likely – a little Mozart.
Please bring whatever beverage you wish and join us on a beautiful Sunday summer afternoon.
Read more about Keith & Dave BELOW….
For several years now, long time Craig Bay residents Keith Jeffery and Dave Klinger have offered Sunday Happy Hour with Mozart concerts. While initially mostly Mozart violin/piano sonatas, they ran out of them and branched into Beethoven, Veracini, Handel, Dvorak plus some jazz, bluegrass and contemporary. So who are they?
Keith Jeffery
I am the amateur in the duo. I played violin as a child, but wisely chose animal and human health and wellness over a life of music. For 40+ years as an adult, I didn’t touch my violin. Then I got the bug, put an ad in the Tidelines, and to my surprise – a professional pianist answered. We have had a delightful relationship since then. Dave is encouraging, patient, skilled and has a great sense of humour. So, every week we play and laugh. And we create some very special “musical moments”.
So I practiced and practiced, peacefully hidden in my office. Krisanna and Dave felt people needed to hear the music, so – with great fear and reluctance – I agreed and we started the Happy Hour concerts.
Music practice and exploration helped me handle the pandemic, and allowed me to learn and play some of my favourite violin concertos. It seems a never ending battle of fighting age and stiffness, but my music – even flawed – has become a passion in my life.
The word amateur comes from the Italian amatore, “to love”, and I truly love the music we play.
Dave Klinger
My piano training (classical solo) started at age nine when I studied with a very good teacher for four years. This work continued throughout high school and college, culminating with a Master’s Degree in piano performance from Michigan State University. Collaborative piano has been a principal focus for me since I arrived here in 2000. I thoroughly enjoy working with others in the jazz/pop and classical fields.
A CBC radio announcer once said, “A day without Mozart is like a day without sunshine.” Keith and I certainly agree with that. We also appreciate the fact that many Craig Bay residents enjoy our concerts. It’s wonderful to experience the shared emotion during these events.
The dedication that Keith shows in his musical work is quite impressive to me. We are very fortunate to be here together at this time.