“We make a living by what we get – we make a life by what we give”
Winston Churchill
Craig Bay, what a life we lead! Our generosity speaks for itself! The giving this year was overwhelming, not only to your committee, not only to our Parksville Volunteer Fire Department, but especially to the recipient of this fundraiser – The Salvation Army! The shelves at our local Food Bank will be overflowing with groceries and the monies donated will help so many in our Oceanside Community at this giving time of the year.
Allison gave you the highlights in her last Monday News Flash, you may have seen the video taken by Reta Clark, you may have seen the picture and write up in the PQB News today, but for those who have not, here is a recap of our fundraiser, along with the thanks to those who made it successful.
Our fundraiser was kicked off in September with the donation of the proceeds of The Craig Bay Golf Tournament. Our thanks go out to Dave Montgomery and his committee for the planning, execution and success of this fun way to raise money. The proceeds from that event totaled $2, 244.27!
After that start, it was 2 ½ months of reminding, picking up groceries from the clubhouse, weighing, sorting, and packing and finally getting those groceries back to the clubhouse for our giveaway to the Fire Department and The Salvation Army.
Heartfelt gratitude to the following:
Pick up team: Jane Peverett, Maureen Maitland, Anne Taylor, Darlene Mallen, Marion Woodward, Sheila Durnin and Mariette Calvert.
Storage Site: Joan McCully’s organization of the donations was outstanding and would have made the stocking of shelves much easier.
Poster: our beautiful poster, made even better with all that red on it, was made by Bill Webb.
Big Cheque: purchased and donated to Craig Bay by Chris Chilton last year, looked gorgeous with the beautiful calligraphy done by Linda Cloutier.
Getting the goods to the clubhouse: Dick Arnold, Ross Rutherford, John Blackburn, Dave Montgomery, Jack Broadbent, Wayne Calvert, Dwayne Peverett, Rick Barrette and Brent McGowan.
Coffee bar: Gloria Hall and Donna Mae Wilson. Coffee donated by Tim Horton’s!
Reminders: Penny Rutherford and Sydney Tomchenko kept giving you reasons to give to this worthy cause.
Allison Siemens, Office Coordinator Extraordinaire, who adds “punch” to the “pitch” and keeps us all so well informed.