Craig Bay Beatles Experience 2019
Craig Bay Beatles Experience 2019 For a few hours on the evening of June 20th we were “Back in the U.S.S.R.” living in a “Yellow Submarine”. Over 200 people came together to hear four lads from Argentina, members of the multi-award winning Beatles tribute band, Beatles Experience, play songs from the early years to the closing years of the Beatles. As musicians, these lads rocked. We settled into our lawn chairs under lightly [...]
Social Committee Year-In-Review
Summary of Social Club Events July 2018 to June 2019 (click on highlighted items for a full recap) July 1: Canada Day Celebration August 11: Evening in Black and White August 5: Grandchildren's Day October 20: Craft Fair Tea October 20: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner November 9: Lasagna Night November 18: Food Drive December 1: Christmas Cocktail Party December 3: Social Committee & WMPG & Bottle Drive Volunteer Bakers Thank You [...]
WMPG 2018 Review Video – “For the Fun of It”
WMPG 2018 Review - "For the Fun of It"
WMPG Memorial Bench – Tidelines
Anyone who walks the Three Bridges path will have seen the WMPG Memorial Bench in a peaceful beautiful setting overlooking the 3 Bridges Pond. You may have wondered about this bench and how it came to be. The WMPG is Craig Bay’s Wednesday Morning Project Group - a group of Craig Bay men and women who work on numerous projects in Craig Bay on a volunteer basis, [...]
WMPG Memorial Bench
On November 15th, the Wednesday Morning Project Group (WMPG) unveiled three plaques that had been added to the WMPG Memorial Bench, in recognition of the contributions made by former members John Schulz, Roley Rhodes and Derek Oldham who passed away in recent years. The Memorial Bench was built and installed by members of the WMPG as a way of recognizing and memorializing members who had passed away and who had made significant contributions to [...]
Craig Bay Fall Food Drive – An Interview
For the past number of weeks, the annual Craig Bay Fall Food Drive has been underway! If you have visited the Beach Club lately, you have probably noticed the food donation boxes and may have dropped off a donation cheque for the Salvation Army. If you are new to Craig Bay, or don’t make it down to the Beach Club very often, then you may be wondering what this is all about… [...]