DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ART? Want to learn? 

ART WALL offers an opportunity for Craig Bay residents to be part of this initiative as members of the SELECTION COMMITTEE.

The Art Wall Selection Committee is always interested in involving residents of our community who might enjoy being on the committee.

The Art Wall Selection Committee is comprised of 3 members, male or female, who are willing to volunteer for an approximately 1 year period.

Art Wall Selection Committee is a rotating committee with one member leaving as a new member arrives.

There are 3 exhibits per year: Fall, Winter and Spring. Very few meetings are required, as most decisions are made by email.


Committee members are responsible for a number of tasks for each Exhibit:

– Motif selection

– Submission forms and deadline

– Selection committee executive decisions

– Over-seeing hang

– Coordinating Opening Reception

– Exhibit take down


Interested in Volunteering? Contact the Project Coordinator:
Heidi Bunting at



The project is supported by:

Craig Bay Beach Club Coordinator

Craig Bay Social Club

And volunteer Selection Committee members