2025 Seaside Village Council


President / CLC Rep Jonathan Beddoes
Vice President / Secretary / CLC Rep Jane Roberts
Treasurer / CLC Rep Bill Sharp
Landscaping Maintenance Chair / Communications / CLC Rep Jean Burnett
Communications / Privacy Officer Ross McKay
Goose Advisory / CLC Rep Wendy Sidwell
Building Maintenance Committee Chair / CLC Alternate Phillip Howell
Irrigation Larry Powers
Beach Club Subcommittee Jack Broadbent / Ellie Thorburn

Strata Communications Archive

Strata Procedures

To: Seaside Village (SSV) Homeowners & Residents

Your new council is now in place and ready to serve the community. 

We would like to clarify the proper procedures we recommend you follow to process any of your requests:

  • If you have any questions about processes or procedures, email Proline:
  • If you have any suggestions or a specific request to pass on to council, create a request on the Proline website. Proline will follow through and ensure council is informed of your request. https://vis5081.stratapress.ca/contact/
  • If you wish to submit a request for a Common Property Modification (CPMR), Building Maintenance (BMR), Landscape (LSC) or Irrigation the correct forms to use are available on Craig Bay Website: https://craigbay.com/forms/
  • Submit CPMRs to SSV’s property manager – Kristy Tamburri at Proline by email: kristy@prolinemanagement.com
  • Submit other requests (building maintenance, landscaping, irrigation) online directly from the Craig Bay website. This process ensures the request ends up with the appropriate committee representative. 

In an emergency your first contact should always be Proline. They are the best equipped and prepared to respond 24/7 in this unlikely event. 
Proline Property Management: 1-877-727-6440
Submitting a request using the procedures outlined above will ensure a record of your request and council and Proline will determine a course of action. Using the proper procedures above will help us help serve you better and more effectively.
Craig Bay’s Seaside Village has a reputation as a vibrant community and a wonderful place to live. All communications and interaction with neighbours, strata council, volunteer committees and on-site contractors should remain respectful, civil, and show decency. Should a situation arise where this is not the case, Strata Corporation owners have adopted a policy of zero tolerance for communications of a harassing nature.
Seaside Village Strata Council
December 2021