Pickleball Drop In Group times have been set up within the CLC-approved Pickleball Court Schedule to accommodate the growing number of active players in Craig Bay and provide opportunities for residents to come and play with a fun group.  

New residents in Craig Bay are especially welcome and it is a good way to meet your neighbours and like-minded players, both new and experienced. It is a fun group, and we focus on the fun of the game!


The pickleball drop in group was created in 2022 to allow all Craig Bay residents to have an equal opportunity to come and join a group of existing players in the strata that had started as new players during Covid.  There was overwhelming interest in the sport, as it is everywhere, and extra days were added to accommodate the over 62 active players in Craig Bay.  We found due to the overwhelming interest we had to cap the attendance level for each session to ensure we respected neighbouring properties.  We now have 5 days per week pre-booked in the mornings, so anyone can register and come play with a fun group. 

The Drop In Group runs from April 1st to October 31st.