Welcome to the Craig Bay Travel Newsletter!

Residents’ feedback from the recent survey suggested that there is a great interest in our community for “something” to do with travel. This, residents said, could take the form of travel presentations, a newsletter, even the opportunity for group travel. So here goes with a newsletter that is for you and (hopefully) by you …

Yes, most importantly, this newsletter will depend on you, the Craig Bay residents who travel so extensively. So many spend the Canadian winters elsewhere … Arizona, Thailand, Mexico. Many more travel year-round to exotic climes. We would love to share your insights and experiences.

The initial plan is to have 6 issues per year, notionally in January, March, May, July, September and November. Each issue will focus on a different part of the world (for example, Asia, South America, Scandinavia) or perhaps a different theme (cruises, RV vacations, walking holidays, volunteering abroad). If you want a monthly newsletter, that can evolve, too.

The newsletter will be sent only to those who want to receive it. To be placed on the mailing list, please send your name and e-mail address to cbtravellers@hotmail.com.

The deadline for submissions will be one month before the publication date for that issue and reminders of these deadlines will be included in the Craig Bay Friday update e-mails.

Let’s make the Craig Bay Travellers newsletter a great resource for our community. Happy travels!

Mandy Trickett