While we welcome donations of recently-published books, if you have boxes of books to donate, please consider donating them to various organizations in the area that fundraise through book sales (BCSPCA, University Women’s Club, Nanoose Library, CatSpan). You can also drop books off in the big blue donation bins at the Parksville recycling centre on the Alberni Highway (at the back). The books are picked up by a charity in Victoria to sell, give to schools or recycle.
The Library is located off the Sun Room in the Four Seasons Lounge.
The Library is fully stocked with a variety of books available for loan to Craig Bay residents.
Book donations are gratefully accepted if the publishing date is within the past ten years.
Thank you to the Library volunteers who keep this valuable resource organized and running smoothly for all to enjoy!
Thanks from the Library…
A sincere thanks to all residents who donate so many current bestsellers and their favourite authors to the library. Considering that all books in the library are donations, it shows the generosity of the residents.
Just a reminder that, due to our small space, we must limit the collection to books published in the last ten years. If you are downsizing or making room for more of your own purchases, we are happy to accept fiction and non-fiction books published since 2009 and books in good condition.
We also ask that when you return books or take donations to the library, please place them in the basket and do not shelve them. The designated librarians will shelve the books in the appropriate areas.
Happy reading.