The Beach Club clubhouse is a discretionary public space and the PHO (Public Health Order) for Indoor Gatherings are the guidelines we are to follow (under the Island Health region).  This should not be confused with the guidelines covered under the PHO for Food & Liquor Serving Premises that covers restaurants, pubs, bars, and nightclubs (this PHO does not apply to our clubhouse).  

For example, at an event where food and / or drinks are served, members are to be seated in order to eat or drink and then masks can be removed for this purpose. When not seated (standing or mingling), masks are to be worn but may be removed briefly for a sip from your glass and promptly replaced.  

This also applies to any meetings, clubs or group events. Masks must be worn for the duration of the gathering and may be removed briefly to take a sip of coffee or water, and promptly replaced.

The exceptions are: when performing exercise in your personal space in the gym or in a class, and office staff while working at a non-public work station that is inaccessible to members.

Again, this is the Public Health Order that we are to follow under the guidance of public health because it has been mandated at this time, regardless of vaccination status or individual preferences. 

Thank you for your on-going cooperation.


Summary for Craig Bay Beach Club


  • A person may permit a place to be used for or may organize or be present at an inside event, if the provisions of this Part and Part D (Vaccination) are complied with.
  • Up to 100% of the seated operating capacity of a place may be used for the purpose of a seated inside event, and up to 100% of the standing operating capacity of a place may be used for the purpose of a standing inside event.
  • There must be an organizer and access to the event is controlled.
  • There is seating available for each participant, and each participant is provided with a seat.
    • Participants are seated throughout the place in such a way as to use all available space.
  • If there is a food or drink station,
    • hand washing facilities or alcohol-based sanitizers are within easy reach of the station;
    • signs reminding participants to wash or sanitize their hands before touching self-serve food, drink or other items, are posted at the self-serve station; and
    • high touch surfaces at the station, and utensils that are used for self- serve, are frequently cleaned and sanitized.
  • Hand sanitation supplies are readily available to participants.
  • Toilet facilities with running water, soap and paper towels for hand washing and drying purposes or hand sanitation supplies are available for participants.
  • Subject to further direction from PHO, dance floors are closed with physical barriers or occupied with tables, unless they are being used for a dance performance.
  • A participant must comply with the requirements in this Part and in Part D (Vaccination), and with measures, or guidance or directions from the organizer or a member of staff, intended to avoid the congregation of participants.
  • Subject to further direction from PHO, participants do not dance, unless they are registered participants in and attending at a dance class at a dance studio or a recreation facility.
  • If there is more than one area in a place in which events may be held, there may be an event in each of the areas.
  • If the organizer is not the owner or occupant of the place in which an inside event is held, the owner or occupant must be satisfied that the organizer is aware of the conditions and requirements in this Part and Part D (Vaccination), and has the capacity to fulfill them.



  • This Part applies to inside events.
  • The following requirements apply with respect to an inside event:
    • An organizer must obtain proof in the form of a vaccine card that a participant has received two doses of vaccine.
    • A participant must provide an organizer with proof in the form of a vaccine card of having received two doses of vaccine.
    • An organizer must not permit a participant who has not provided the organizer with proof in the form of a vaccine card of having received two doses of vaccine to enter or remain a place for the purpose of an event or to participate in an event.
    • A participant who has not provided an organizer with proof in the form of a vaccine card of having received two doses of vaccine must not enter or remain in a place for the purpose of an event or participate in an event.
    • If an event takes place on more than one day, the requirements in this section apply on each of those days.
  • An operator must not scan the QR code on a vaccine card with any tool other than a BC Vaccine Card Verifier App.
  • Subject to section 6, an organizer must not retain proof of vaccination or identification provided by a participant, or use it for any purpose other than to confirm that a participant has been vaccinated, as required by this Order.
  • Despite section 5, with the written consent of a participant, an organizer may keep a record of the fact that the participant has provided proof of being vaccinated in compliance with this Part until this Order expires or is repealed, and the organizer may rely upon this record to satisfy the requirements in this Part with respect to future participation by the participant in an event at the same place.